Potter Quizzes

Harry Potter Wand Quiz – Which Wand Best Suits You?

Harry Potter Wand Quiz

There is nothing more appealing than finding out which wand suits you best! So, try the 2023 updated “Harry Potter Wand Quiz” right now.

Question 1 of 15

What would you like to have on the holding end of your wand? It's a customizing option!

A dragon
A weed
Question 2 of 15

Do you want a more flexible wand?

Yes, it should be flexible
Nope, I'm up for anything
Slightly flexible would be fine
Mine should be rigid
Question 3 of 15

If you get a wand in your hands in real life then would you use it for negative purposes?

I might
Not for negative but for personal purposes
How can I make predictions?
No, never
Question 4 of 15

How'd you feel if you turn to be the only Muggle in the world with a wand?

I'd be proud of myself
I'd flaunt it
I'd feel grateful
I'd happily claim this responsibility
Question 5 of 15

Do you have a wand merchandise too?

Not yet
I'd get one after this quiz
I had but lost it


Here’s everything you need to know about the world of wands in the Wizard world and which wand is best for you. So, don’t miss any info as it’d be useful in the near future…

Which Wand Best Suits You

Elder Wand

Yew wood and Thestral tail hair are used to make the Elder Wand. Thestral tail hair is a rare and potent choice for wand cores, while yew wood is associated with death and rebirth.

Elder Wand
Elder Wand

You Deserve The Elder Wand!

See yourself as the incredible person who’s totally deserving of the legendary Elder Wand. We can perceive that you’ve got this magical mix of power, smarts, and a strong belief in what’s right. You have a real inner strength that’s just like the Elder Wand’s reputation for being super powerful. People are drawn to your confidence and the way you face challenges head-on. You don’t back down easily – you go for it!

Your wisdom is a big part of who you are, kind of like how the Elder Wand is linked to really experienced wizards. You are the type of person who thinks things through and looks at the big picture before making decisions. It’s like you’ve got a roadmap for dealing with life’s twists and turns, and that earns you respect.

Voldemort’s Wand

Yew wood with a phoenix feather core make up Voldemort’s wand. Yew wood is recognized for generating potent and distinctive wands, while phoenix feather cores are frequently linked to death and transformation.

Voldemort’s Wand
Voldemort’s Wand

You Deserve Voldemort’s Wand!

You are someone who’s got what it takes to handle Voldemort’s Wand. You have this super strong determination, like the wand’s famous power. You’re not afraid to go after what you want, no matter what it takes. Challenges don’t scare you! You’re good at planning things out and seeing what might happen next, which helps you handle life’s twists and turns. You’re also okay with embracing your darker side and understanding the deeper parts of yourself as Voldemort’s Wand is tied to darker magic. You’re not scared to explore your own complexities and even those parts of you that might not always be happy and bright.

When you go after the qualities that match Voldemort’s Wand, you’ve got this strong determination that won’t quit. You’re ready to do whatever it takes to get what you want, even if it means making sacrifices.

Harry Potter’s Wand

With a phoenix feather core, Harry Potter’s wand was made of holly wood. The phoenix feather core is a rare and potent choice for wand cores, and Holly wood is well-known for its associations with defense and protection. The feather is from Dumbledore’s phoenix Fawkes, and it is said that Voldemort’s wand is the only other phoenix that has a feather in the core.

Harry Potter’s Wand
Harry Potter’s Wand

You Deserve Harry’s Wand!

Dude, you are someone who’s totally meant to have Harry’s Wand! You believe you’ve got some really important qualities, like being caring, brave, and always wanting to do what’s right. To you, being caring and understanding is a big part of who you are, just like how Harry is. You think it’s really important to be nice to others and help them when they need it. You’ve got this way of understanding how people feel, and that’s a big part of who you are.

Being brave is another thing that makes you special. You’re not scared of challenges – you face them head-on, just like Harry did. You stand up for what you think is right, even if it’s tough. Your courage shines through and it makes people around you feel inspired.

Are you ready for the potions class? Snape is eager to reveal the ingredients for “Which Magical Potion Are You Quiz” so be quick!

Bellatrix Lestrange’s Wand

The core of Bellatrix Lestrange’s wand is a dragon heartstring and it is composed of walnut wood. Walnut has a reputation for being sturdy and dependable, and the dragon heartstring core is renowned for generating wands of great strength.

Bellatrix Lestrange’s Wand
Bellatrix Lestrange’s Wand

You Deserve Bellatrix’s Wand!

You are someone who’s got the same vibes as Bellatrix’s Wand. We can see that you’ve got this intense energy mixed with loyalty and a knack for pushing boundaries. You see yourself as really determined, a lot like how Bellatrix was super loyal to the people she cared about (Of course, Lord Voldemort). You’ve got strong beliefs and you’re ready to go the extra mile to protect and support the things that matter to you. This commitment sets you apart and makes people remember you.

Just like the wand is linked to bold and daring magic, you’re not afraid to try new things and take risks. You’re all about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying stuff that others might find scary. This shows how you’re up for growth and change, just like the wand’s power to transform.

Severus Snape’s Wand

The core of Severus Snape’s wand is a dragon heartstring and it is composed of yew wood. Dragon heartstring is a common core material that creates wands with immense strength, while yew wood is known for being associated with the cycles of life and death.

Severus Snape’s Wand
Severus Snape’s Wand

You Deserve Severus’ Wand!

You have got all the qualities that match up with Severus Snape’s Wand. It feels like you are a puzzle with lots of interesting pieces, just like the wand has different sides to it. You see yourself as super determined, kind of like how Snape was super committed to what he believed in. You’ve got a strong will to chase your goals without giving up.

Being loyal and sticking by your friends is a big part of how you see yourself, just like Snape did. You’re also pretty good at adapting to different situations. You possess the skill for handling different circumstances and coming up with clever solutions. It’s like you can fit into different situations easily. People find you intriguing, kind of like how Snape had this mysterious side. There’s more to you than meets the eye!


No matter who held your wand in the past, it’s now going to be yours. Just take the Harry Potter Wands Quiz right now.