Potter Quizzes

The Malfoy Family Quiz – Which Malfoy Are You?

The Malfoy Family Quiz

We can feel that you belong to the Malfoy family! But, do you know which Malfoy member are you? The Ultimate “The Malfoy Family Quiz” can tell!

Question 1 of 15

Are you very open about what you desire?

I am
I don't share my goals
To my close ones only
I don't have any such desires
Question 2 of 15

Were/Are you a bully in school?

I was/am
No, in fact the case was/is the opposite
Umm, I just had fun a couple of times
Next question please
Question 3 of 15

Do you want to prove to everyone that you are the best?

Yes, I desperately do
Nah, I don't think I can do that
Why prove when I am the best!
I might (in the future)
Question 4 of 15

Would you rather be with Harry or against him?

I'd be with Harry
I would go against him
I'd stand with the laws
I don't know where I'd be
Question 5 of 15

Is ultimate power the only thing that can quench your thirst?

Yes, true
I think that would work
No, I don't want that
Let me think


The Malfoy family is one of the most significant families in the Wizard world. If you have seen the movies or read the books, you’d know that they have certain traits and a particular attitude that helps them be different from all others. Why are we getting a similar kind of vibe from you? Are you also curious to see if you are one of the Malfoys or not? Good, there are millions of Potterheads who have already taken the “The Malfoy Family Quiz.” Once and for all, you will know if you are a part of the authoritative, gluttonous, power-driven Malfoy family or not.



One of the wizarding families who truly enjoys sticking to tradition is the Malfoys. Their belief that magic is best when it runs in the family without any Muggle mingling stems from their shared pure-blood wizard ancestry. They are one of the twenty-eight families in the wizard world who have no muggles in the family tree. Since Muggle-born wizards did not inherit magic from their wizard ancestors, they are not particularly fond of them and believe they are inferior.


Malfoys are not your typical wizards—these people are superpowers! Being wealthy and influential in the wizarding community, the Malfoys are obsessed with flaunting what they have earned in all those years. They prove their dominance over everyone by leading a lavish lifestyle.


These aren’t your average wizards; they have a mission. The Malfoys are cunning and extremely ambitious; in fact greedy too. They will form alliances with formidable wizards and witches, such as the notorious Lord Voldemort, in order to maintain their dominance and prestigious positions within the wizarding community. They don’t mind using deception to achieve their goals and rule everyone.

Shady Involvement

There is a darker side to most Malfoys. Lucius, for instance, has been involved in dark magic and socialized with many shady figures. If it takes doing some really bad things in order to achieve what they desire, they aren’t afraid to break the rules.


Which Malfoy Are You
The Malfoy Family

You’re Lucius Malfoy!

Similar to Lucius Malfoy, you most likely reflect elegance and sophistication (OMG). You appreciate the finer things in life and are drawn to things that are chic and exquisite. Plus, you have ambitious goals, and you don’t mind using a little cunning to achieve them. Consequently, you don’t hesitate to learn how things work and apply that understanding to your goals.

You want to project a positive image of yourself to others, particularly those in your social circle. Maintaining a positive image seems to be something you strive for. You have a strong sense of family loyalty, uphold traditional values, and are proud of your heritage. It’s acceptable to be a little tough sometimes in order to achieve your goals!

Where do you stand in the Dursley family? Which member are you? The 2023 trending “Dursley Family Quiz” can claim you as one of them.

You’re Lucius Malfoy!
You’re Lucius Malfoy!

You’re Narcissa Malfoy!

In several ways, you resemble Narcissa Malfoy! You’re willing to go to any lengths to ensure the safety and happiness of your family because they always come first. Similar to Narcissa, you have a composed and reserved style. You maintain your calm and collected attitude even in trying times. You don’t readily express your entire range of feelings and ideas. In addition, you have elite elegance and class.

Oh, and you have sophistication and a love of finer things in life which is showcased through your sense of style and manner of dressing. You care a lot about how your family is seen by others. You might engage in a small mental tug-of-war occasionally but you rightfully maintain your stance in your social circle.

You’re Narcissa Malfoy!
You’re Narcissa Malfoy!

You’re Draco Malfoy!

We have to say that you are an executor. You work tirelessly to achieve the high goals you set for yourself. Plus, you take great pride in your accomplishments and value success and recognition for your work. You really appreciate the influence and perspectives of your family. Hence, what you think and how you behave are greatly influenced by your family’s customs and organizational methods.

You may experience difficult circumstances or moments of doubt, much like Draco because life isn’t always simple. Then, you have to face difficult choices, deal with external pressure, or have your beliefs called into question. You will grow and mature as you experience new things and gain knowledge from them over time.

You’re Draco Malfoy!
You’re Draco Malfoy!

You’re Not A Malfoy!

You’re not the type to flaunt your accomplishments or social standing. You feel more at ease being modest and humble, and you enjoy letting your deeds speak for themselves. Plus, you’re open to different viewpoints and have an open mind which means you place a high value on uniqueness. You’re not as formal and reserved as the Malfoys; rather, you’re more casual. You have an easygoing, laid-back attitude in life, which translates into relaxed, informal interactions with other people.

You are not just about winning and being the best, unlike the Malfoys, who can be fiercely competitive. Well, you’d rather collaborate with others, enjoy victories that you both share and avoid turning everything into a contest. You are not overly shaken by challenges – you’re adaptable and constantly willing to grow and learn.

You’re Not A Malfoy!
You’re Not A Malfoy!


Don’t judge yourself without The Malfoy Quiz! Your personality would be read by the quiz when you would answer it. Hence, it’s a completely unbiased way to see if you are going to assist the Dark Lord or not.