Potter Quizzes

Wizard Love Quiz – Love Meter For Wizards & Witches

Wizard Love Quiz

CAUTION – the “Wizard Love Quiz” is only for the love birds who are Wizards and Witches. Muggles are strictly forbidden to enter it!

Question 1 of 15

How good are you at confessing love and emotions?

I am damn good
Not really
I have always faced hard time in this
Depends on who is in front of me
Question 2 of 15

Is it easy for you to move on after break up and enter a new relationship?

Yeah, very easy
Kind of
Only when my ex was a jerk
Not at all
Question 3 of 15

How important it is for you to enter a relationship with the right person?

No, I be with whoever I like
Depends on my mood
Of course, the most important
Never thought about this
Question 4 of 15

Do you start dating anyone you like or think and take time before making a move?

I take my time
I just start dating
I never take things that long
Depends on my mood
Question 5 of 15

Is your personal life a mess?

It really is
Kind of
It is worse than a mess
Not at all


Everything is different when it comes to the wizard world; even love! The rules, norms, emotions, everything differs. This is why we – the team of PotterFun have come up with the bewitched “Wizard Love Meter.” This quiz tests the love of Wizards and Witches only and reveals if they are really in love or if it’s all just the high. Are you interested???


You might differ from us, but here is the thing! When you have love potions and chocolates that can make your crush fall in love with you madly then how can you even think of comparing it with love in the Muggle world? Muggles don’t have any such things! So, in order to look into the real feelings of your heart, whether you are a wizard or a witch, go for the Wizard Love Meter to seek your true feelings.

Wizard Love Meter
Wizard Love Meter


0% – 25%

It’s Barely a Spark!

Sad to inform you this but it appears that there is not much magical connection between you and the love of your life. Perhaps you used the wrong wands, or you need a more powerful spell to make the love blossom in the hearts. You need to calm yourself! It takes several tries for any wizard or witch to find the right partner.

Although there doesn’t seem to be much of a spark right now, but there is always a ray of hope. You know, love requires patience and a little hard work. Continue experimenting with various tricks, enjoy this phase too, and follow love no matter where it leads. Who can say? The spell you cast next could be the one that makes your love shine (wink).

It’s Barely a Spark!
It’s Barely a Spark!

26% – 50%

“A Flicker of Love”

A tiny hint of something exceptional is there of course! You’re casting the spell of love correctly, and the potion is bubbling in your heart and soul. Although there isn’t much fire just yet, but we know you can do it. Though more time and magic are needed for it to develop, there appears to be some relationship.

Try more to make this relationship work. Perhaps discovering shared interests, enjoying a cup of Butterbeer, or going for a stroll through the forest work wonders for your relationship. You need to share the amount of time to spend together, share laughs, and cherish the small things in life. This flicker has the potential to become a blazing flame with a little more work.

A Flicker of Love
A Flicker of Love

51% – 75%

“It’s A Magical Connection”

OMG! You two have a powerful magical bond of love. Everything is going well and your wands are in harmony too. Believe us, this is a mystical connection with the future to grow even stronger; it is more than just an ordinary connection. There’s a lot of room for growth in your relationship since you both appear to understand one another well.

Make this bond stronger in your relationship with exciting travels, wonderful experiences, and dreams you two share. Do the things you both enjoy, encourage one another’s ambitions, and have open lines of communication. Who knows how far you two can travel together?

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It’s A Magical Connection
It’s A Magical Connection

76% – 100%

“This Is True Wizarding Love”

OMG! The two of you are really in love. When you’re near, your wands sing and your hearts beat together (how romantic). This is a genuine tale of wizardly love! Love, trust, and mutual understanding strengthen your intimate connection. Take your time to enjoy this connection as you’ve found the love of your life. Take time to make amazing experiences, encourage one another’s dreams and aspirations, and be there for each other at all times.

You two are unstoppable, and your love will only grow deeper every day. I wish you magic, happiness, and unending love every day! Fairy tales are created of love like this one. Make sure this relationship blossoms!

This Is True Wizarding Love
This Is True Wizarding Love


Yes, this is the moment when you and the love of your life can test whether whatever is going on between you two is actually love or not. You know, these days, feelings change like the unpredictable weather. It’s better to be sure with the “Wizard Love Quiz” before moving ahead.