Fans of the Wizard world are checking “Am I A Prisoner of Azkaban?”. If you don’t know then ask 2023 updated Are You A Prisoner of Azkaban Quiz.
Ever been arrested in real life?
What was your first reaction when you saw Azkaban?
Were you doubting that Sirius is actually guilty?
How much time do you think you can survive in Azkaban?
What is better than being a prisoner of Azkaban?
Just picture a desolate island that is cut off from the rest of the world and engulfed in a perilous sea. The only building on this island is an imposing stronghold. It is constructed of dark, rough-hewn stone with towers and turrets that stick upward like the spines of some horrible creatures. You feel as though a suspicious force is weighing down on your chest as the air around you becomes colder. Things get oppressive as you go closer and you can see that it is a prison. The gloomy cries of the Dementors, the soulless guardians of Azkaban, overpower the sound of the waves lapping against the rocky shore making you deaf.
As you enter, you find yourself in a stone corridor that seems to go on forever as you enter the prison and is barely illuminated. Moisture-slick walls and a musty, rotting odor fills the air. You walk by a cell every few steps, with a prisoner locked inside, suffering in the shadows and hopelessness. With their ragged, black cloaks billowing at the back, the Dementors patrol the hallways. The skeletal figures move past the cells, behind the bars are nothing but empty shells/bones left after the deaths.
The grounds get uglier as you get farther inside the prison. Smaller and more claustrophobic quarters with mold-covered, slimy walls are present. Every prisoner’s eyes are sunken and haunted by the constant presence of the Dementors. All are malnourished and filthy! The most dangerous and infamous wizards and witches are housed in the maximum-security ward, which is located in the center of the prison. They are unable to use any spells to escape since the cells in this area are protected with layers of magic.

Bellatrix Lestrange
You seem very sane and composed from the outside but they have no idea of your inside. For sure, you are a bit crazy and turn insanely furious in rare cases.
Undoubtedly one of the most powerful characters is Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter series. She is a pure-blood witch who is strongly devoted to Lord Voldemort and renowned for her ruthless sadistic nature and prodigious dueling abilities. Her slim physique and sinewy muscles conceal the devastating fury that she can unleash in battle. Bellatrix moves with deadly elegance; silky and sensual, with a trace of craziness just below the surface. She speaks with great fervor, especially when discussing her love for Voldemort and her enmity for everyone who disagrees with him. Bellatrix is known for her maniacal laughter, which can chill the bones of even the bravest wizard.

Sirius Black
People really don’t understand you, they have no idea about your potential. However, you shine brightly no matter how much others try to overshadow you.
Sirius is the godfather of Harry Potter and a significant ally in the battle against Voldemort. His wand movements are easy and flowing, with a perilous grace. With an almost supernatural force, Sirius attracts others to him with his magnetic charisma. He is a capable individual who is both strong loyalty and revolt. A single strand of Sirius Black’s hair is embedded in his wand which is made of the dark and twisted wood of a blackthorn tree. It is a wand that is ideal for his personality and is capable of casting potent curses and spells that can alter the outcome of conflicts.

How about gaining some knowledge about the Defense Against Dark Arts teachers at Hogwarts first? PotterFun has ranked them all!
Igor Karkaroff
You are one helluva person who is destined to reach the top no matter what the way is. There is nothing that comes to your mind when your focus is on your goal.
Igor Karkaroff is the headmaster of the Durmstrang Institute (a magic academy in Eastern Europe). A former Death Eater who turned informant for the Ministry of Magic (a grave change). As a result of a lifetime of cutthroat ambition and extreme strain, Igor Karkaroff’s face is engraved with deep lines and creases. He has a commanding presence and a low, gravelly voice with a touch of a Slavic accent. His wand, which was crafted from a yew tree’s wood and a dragon’s heartstring. Thus, is an object of both beauty and fear.

Dolores Umbridge
Power matters to you the most and you just can’t live with being the one ruled. With you, it should always be the way around.
Dolores Umbridge’s voice has an extremity and girlish pitch and is sweetly syrupy. This really masks her actual nature. She is a representative of the Ministry of Magic who has been assigned to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to serve as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor. Dolores Umbridge is a highly evil and cunning figure while having a facade of sweetness and brightness. She is driven by an obsession with control and would do anything to get what she wants. Dolores is particularly hostile to anyone she perceives as subversive or rebellious and will employ any methods at her disposal to quell their opposition.

Pottermore fans! What are you all doing? Hopefully, you aren’t one of those who need to be in one of the Azkaban cells. But, we all must check and that is only possible through Are You A Prisoner of Azkaban Quiz. This quiz is 99.99% accurate so you don’t have to worry about anything.