Here, Potter Fun has revealed the Best and Worst Defense Against the Dark Arts professors at Hogwarts. Get to know them in detail!
Ah, now that’s an interesting question and one that has sparked many a debate in the wizarding community! The truth is, while there have been some rather questionable Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers in the past, it’s not fair to say that all of them have been bad. Think about it: just like with any profession, there are good and bad teachers. Some may have a natural talent for teaching, while others may struggle to connect with their students. The same goes for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position.
Sure, there have been some teachers who were clearly not up to the mark. But, there have also been some truly exceptional teachers in that position who have gone on to make a lasting impact on their students. Of course, there have also been some teachers who have had less-than-honorable intentions. But it wouldn’t be fair to paint them all with the same brush.

Starting from the top are the worst teachers Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry could have appointed. While listing down these names, we often thought, who the hell is the part of HR and consultation here? Anyways, you better get started!
Amycus Carrow
Now, here’s a name that strikes fear into the hearts of Hogwarts students and teachers alike! To put it bluntly, Carrow was not exactly a model teacher. In fact, he’s often considered to be one of the worst Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers in Hogwarts history. For those who don’t know him, Carrow was incredibly strict – almost to the point of being cruel. He had a tendency to punish students for the slightest infraction, and he was known for doling out detentions like they were going out of style. And let’s not forget his love of using the Cruciatus Curse to get his point across.
But perhaps even more alarming than Carrow’s strictness was his…let’s call it “enthusiasm” for the Dark Arts. Carrow had that darkness in his eyes that was transported into his wand. He wanted the same for students, Carrow was adamant to pollute their souls. He had a particular fondness for the Unforgivable Curses, and he wasn’t afraid to use them on his students if they didn’t meet his standards. Needless to say, it was a pretty terrifying time to be a student at Hogwarts when Carrow was in charge of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Students were forced to learn some pretty dark magic under his reign. Many of them (like Neville) were left traumatized by the experience.
Amycus Carrow was not the kind of teacher you’d want to cross. Or even be in the same room with, really. He may have been an expert in the Dark Arts, but when it came to teaching, he was a true nightmare.

Dolores Umbridge
You wouldn’t want to learn from Dolores Umbridge or even spend time with her. Her methods of instruction were inefficient, her methods of enforcing rules came close to being abusive, and her whole demeanor was just nasty. She was, to put it mildly, the model of a terrible teacher.
In the wizarding community, Umbridge wasn’t exactly the most likable character. She was renowned for her patronizing demeanor, her overly sweet smile, and her propensity to wear only pink clothing. However, it wasn’t only her appearance that turned people off; it was also the way she approached education. Practical magic seemed to particularly irritate Umbridge. She preferred to teach the theoretical aspect of Defence Against the Dark Arts. As a result, her lessons were frequently dull, dry, and wholly useless in a practical setting. Not to mention her absurd rule prohibiting pupils from casting spells on one another. What kind of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher forbids their students from casting spells?
She had a penchant for doling out punishments for the most minor infractions. Dolores wasn’t afraid to use her favorite torture tool – the Blood Quill – to get her point across. Madam Dolores Umbridge turned the school into a police state with the help of Mr. Filch.

Professor Quirell
Here’s a name that conjures up some interesting memories. When it comes to Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, Quirrell certainly stands out from the pack – but not in a good way. The man was literally wearing a turban, which is not exactly a typical fashion choice for a Hogwarts professor. And let’s not forget his tendency to stutter and sweat profusely, which did not exactly inspire confidence in his teaching abilities. But it wasn’t just Quirrell’s appearance that was off-putting – it was his teaching methods. To put it bluntly, he was utterly inept. He seemed to have a particular fondness for theory over practice, and his lectures were often disjointed and difficult to follow. And when it came to actually casting spells, well, let’s just say that his students weren’t exactly impressed with his abilities.
It turns out, he had been possessed by the Dark Lord, which certainly didn’t help matters. In fact, it made him the worst Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in history. After all, he was actively working against the very subject he was supposed to be teaching. By the way, did you find Quirell’s turban cool?

Gilderoy Lockhart
Gilderoy Lockhart – the man, the myth, the narcissistic fraud (we had to say this). Lockhart was certainly an interesting fool! The man was a walking fashion disaster, with his flamboyant, glittery robes and perfectly coiffed hair. It is said that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, right? But in the case of Lockhart, judge the fool by his idiotic appearance and you know him.
You see, Lockhart was a fraud – a shameless self-promoter who had made a career out of taking credit for other people’s heroic deeds. And when he came to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, he brought his massive ego and total lack of actual skills with him. He even assigned students dangerous tasks – like dueling with live pixies or wrestling with banshees – without actually teaching them how to do so safely. And let’s not forget the time he accidentally unleashed a bunch of Cornish pixies on a classroom full of unsuspecting first-year students.

Severus Snape
Severus Snape – a man who needs no introduction as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Snape was an enigma, to say the least, and his teaching style was no exception. He had an encyclopedic knowledge of dark magic, and he was able to impart that knowledge to his students with incredible precision and clarity. Snape had a bit of a gruff demeanor. He was notoriously hard on his students, and he had a tendency to single out certain individuals for extra criticism.
He was undeniably brilliant, but he could also be frustratingly harsh and unapproachable. However, for students who were able to see past his rough exterior, Snape was a teacher who truly cared about the subject he taught and the success of his students.

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Mad-Eye Moody
Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody – Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knew how to keep his students on their toes! He didn’t waste any time with frivolous lectures or textbook readings – he jumped right in with practical, hands-on exercises that pushed his students to the limit. One of the things that set Moody apart as a teacher was his willingness to take risks. He wasn’t afraid to put his students in dangerous situations. But even though his methods were unorthodox, there was no denying that they worked.
Under Moody’s guidance, his students became some of the most skilled and capable wizards and witches in the wizarding world. Between his paranoia about dark wizards and his tendency to refer to his students as “constant vigilance!”, he could be a bit intimidating at times.

Remus Lupin
One of the most beloved Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers in the history of Hogwarts. Lupin was a gentle, kind-hearted soul who also happened to be a werewolf. As a teacher, Lupin was patient, understanding, and compassionate. He had a natural talent for connecting with his students and creating a warm, welcoming classroom environment.
Lupin was a teacher who inspired his students to be their best selves and fight for what was right. And for those who were lucky enough to have him as a teacher, he was a mentor and a friend who left a lasting impact on their lives.

Just like with any profession, there are good and bad apples. It’s up to us to look beyond the stereotypes and judge each teacher on their own merits. Hence, we have made sure to share the Ranking of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teachers with honesty. No one has been left behind and now you can further discuss openly which one is your favorite and why.