Where do you stand in the Dursley family? Which member are you? The 2023 trending “Dursley Family Quiz” can claim you as one of them.
Do you have a problem with everything?
Are you someone who loves food more than anything?
Do you WANT what you WANT?
Are you the only child of your family?
Do you have a loving aunt who is like a jerk to others?
Let’s discuss about the Dursleys in Harry Potter! They’re pretty ordinary people; they’re not your standard magical family. They live at 4 Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surrey (Probably the most famous address in the world!). Vernon Dursley should be the first one to be mentioned. He runs the family and works for a drill manufacturer. He places a lot of importance on acting normally, though he is mostly anxious and crazy. He can be described as stern, demanding, and extremely concerned about appearance. Then, there is Vernon’s wife Petunia Dursley. Although she is Harry Potter’s aunt, she has no interest in magic. Similar to Vernon, she has an obsession with appearing normal.
Dudley Dursley their son and Harry’s cousin, rounds up the family. He’s a little spoilt and a lot chubby. Harry was frequently bullied by Dudley when they were little (before Harry became a wizard). However, Dudley makes a small change as the story progresses. Harry is not known to receive much kindness from the Dursleys. After Harry’s parents passed away, they reared him, but they didn’t treat him well. They were cruel to him and forced him to live in a cupboard beneath the stairs. They are not open to odd (supernatural things). The Dursleys are given less attention as the Harry Potter books progress, and Harry spends less time with them. They stand in sharp contrast to the world of wizards and witches, showing exactly how unlike the two may be.

Dudley Dursley
You really know that you deserve special care because, like Dudley, your family (might) have treated you like royalty. It’s a fact that you frequently put your needs and feelings first, not giving much regard to how others feel or what they might require. Dudley enjoyed his possessions and you might take a lot of pride in having a large collection. When you think you’re better or more attractive than someone else, you could occasionally come off as controlling or aggressive.
Without a doubt, you really find it difficult to empathize with or comprehend what others are going through, and you might not think much of their troubles. Plus, you avoid unfamiliar or unusual things or people, just as Dudley shies away from magic.

Vernon Dursley
There are many reasons why Vernon Dursley isn’t the friendliest person to Harry Potter, so let’s not discuss that. You favor routine and consistency. Often, you can get annoyed by anything unusual or different. You follow the rules and demand that others do the same. We observe that you prefer orderly and predictable situations. It’s possible that you have strong ideas or opinions, particularly towards things or people that you don’t understand or who aren’t like you.
You feel anxious (or hesitant) if there are major changes or changes to your routine. You support maintaining the status system. Most of the time, you place a high value on your family, and you will go to any lengths to keep them safe and presentable.

Petunia Dursley
You prefer predictable and normal situations, because when things out of hand, then you are unable to handle them. It’s possible to feel uneasy about something strange or unique. When it comes to things or people that you don’t understand or that are different from what you’re used to, you could have strong ideas or judgments about them. You find it hard to be a huge lover of unique things, fresh concepts, or individuals that are unusual, just like Petunia fears magic.
You may be overly concerned with how you come across and what other people think of you, which can cause you to be obsessed with the outside world and what is considered normal. You find it challenging to care about or grasp the struggles others are through. It’s possible that you don’t always consider their difficulties to be noteworthy. Your practices remain the same as years past.
Do you want to know your place in the Weasley family? Interested in unveiling which Weasley member are you? Take the “Weasley Family Quiz.”

Marge Dursley
Publicly, you often come off as brave and powerful. Speaking your mind comes naturally to you. Even if your ideas or opinions are slightly divisive and could offend certain people, you are not afraid to express them. You might have a special place in your heart for pets, just like Marge and her bulldogs, or genuinely love certain creatures.
You have a strong sense of determination and are not easily discouraged. Like Marge, you strongly favor the status quo and are hesitant to adopt new ideas or lifestyle changes. When speaking, you like to be direct, which can occasionally make you seem a little rude or indifferent to the sentiments of others.

Do you fit into the Dursley family? It’s not a normal or a simple family (MIND IT!). So, if you want to be a part of it then OKAY! It’s on you that you are ready for the Dursley Family Quiz. This way, you would find out what Dursley family member are you.