We are looking for Marauders? Are you one of them? Let’s see whether you are one with the updated “Marauder Hunter Quiz” right now…
Are you known for your mischievous behavior?
How many close friends do you have?
Do you react when someone tries to tease your friend/s?
Are you the one who is never eager to study?
Were/Are you the famous one in school?
Yes, you need it and the Muggles wouldn’t understand the significance of the “Marauder Hunter Quiz.” However, you as a Wizard/Witch by mind and heart must take the quiz. Marauders have a special place in the history. So, go on and enjoy the life!
Known for their huge exploits, rebellious pranks, and cunning magical creations! Do you know who they are? The Marauders are a legendary foursome of troublemakers and masters of mischief in Hogwarts School. During their school years, four Hogwarts students who were James Potter as Prongs, Sirius Black as Padfoot, Remus Lupin as Moony, and Peter Pettigrew as Wormtail came together. They were known by their nicknames to cause mayhem, uncover Hogwarts’ mysteries, and fight against injustice.
However, the thing that made these four extremely famous is the “Marauder’s Map.” The Marauders created it and it fascinates anyone who ever takes the map in their hands. The whole layout of Hogwarts Castle is revealed in this magical paper, along with the current whereabouts of every individual living and breathing there. They used it to pull off numerous practical jokes, avoid instructors, and find hidden passageways, solidifying their reputation as renowned mischievous people. No one ever got to know how they got out and got in without anyone knowing – even Mr. Filch and his cat!

James Potter (Prongs)
You have a lion’s heart, much like James Potter and you don’t give up when things are difficult. Even when it’s frightening, you don’t hesitate to stand up for what’s right. You are the kind of buddy who is always there for friends no matter how badly they get stuck. James also possessed a strong sense of leadership. He was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and contributed to the creation of the Marauder’s Map. Like he did, you (at times) mentor and inspire people if you possess leadership traits. In the wizarding community, he and his comrades battled against prejudice and other injustices.
Say “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!” and reveal the unseen and unheard secrets of Hogwarts with Marauder’s Map. Don’t hold yourself!
James was fiercely competitive and enjoyed winning, especially in Quidditch. Harry was just like his father to be honest! Like him, you most likely love a good rivalry and strive to be the best. You are undoubtedly able to make others laugh.

Sirius Black (Padfoot)
Our rebellious Sirius! He didn’t always obey the rules because he preferred to do things his own way. If you are similar to him, you might have a great desire to stand out from the crowd and not merely follow the footsteps of others. Later, Sirius also acted as Harry’s guardian angel. Similar to him, you naturally have a strong impulse to protect and stand up for the people you care about. Sirius had strong moral convictions and a strong sense of justice.
Sirius cherished having fun and going on extreme adventures. To keep life interesting, you relish thrills, practical jokes, and taking chances. Sirius occasionally acted on impulse rather than following a strategy. Likes mutual: you captivate people with your unpredictable ways.

Remus Lupin (Moony)
Remus was a crazy reader who cherished education more than anything. If you’re anything like him, you must be a reader with books and a Kindle in hand. Who in the world doesn’t know that Remus had a very big heart? Like him, you most likely have a great space in your heart for empathy and compassion. It is possible for you to prioritize the demands of others over your own. Remus was a very wise and intelligent man. If you’re similar to him, people will come to you for counsel and understanding.
Remus was a man who could be counted on to be trustworthy. Like him, you make sure to be there for others in their hour of need and you take your responsibilities seriously. He enjoyed spending his alone time reflecting. If you’re like him, reflection and alone time soothe you.

Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail)
Peter was somewhat timid and had that thing in him to follow the wishes of others. In particular, those who appeared to have greater authority. Like him, you prefer to steer clear of controversy and allow others to take the initiative. Peter unfortunately betrayed his friends to Voldemort because he lacked loyalty. You may find it difficult to stay loyal to your buddies if you’re similar. To accomplish what he desired, Peter was cunning and employed devious strategies. You’re crafty and prepared to trick people to get what you want.
You may have problems believing in yourself and be easily influenced by the dread of getting into trouble, as you both share similar characteristics. Despite all, you remain a person with a variety of traits. So, don’t give up on yourself this quick!

If you have the mentality of a Witch/Wizard, then you must have the knowledge regarding this truth. Do you believe that you are one of the Marauders or not? If you really want to know then the “Which Marauder Are You Quiz” should be your choice. Don’t let the chance miss because only a brainless Muggle would make a mistake like that!