You have the 2023 updated “Ministry Of Magic Quiz” in your hands. Roll in if you are curious to know which minister of magic are you.
What is your wand made of?
Do you have the confidence to stand against dark arts?
Would you cast a Crucio charm on anyone?
Do you have a high IQ as a witch/wizard?
Through what can you send a signal to someone in times of need?
This is a million-dollar question of course! However, the answer is very simple. Being a Potterhead, you must know where you stand after graduation. What is a better job for a wizard or witch than being a part of the Ministry of Magic? In order to get a 100% accurate answer, you must try the “Ministry Of Magic Quiz”. Once and for all, claim which department of the Ministry of Magic suits you.
However, we must warn you! It’s not easy being a part of the ministry. Especially, when dark forces can attack the whole wizard in the blink of an eye. You have to be careful with every action and manage each step after thinking hard. Anything can be a trap and you must not get stuck into any of them. Remember, the adventures in life are fun only till the moment when they do not cause any threats.
These are some of the most significant, reputed, and hard-to-deal positions in the Wizard world. It is pretty arduous to adjust to them but once you do, you will find a new life ahead of you. If you can’t make the right decision, of course, the Ministries Of Magic Quiz will do it for you.

Auror’s Office
You are the Auror! Here is the dirt on what you’ll need to become a top-tier Auror in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. It will take a lot of resolve and perseverance on your part because you’ll be going up against witches and dark wizards. You must have no fear and be prepared for everything. To protect people from bad magic and to keep oneself safe, you must be an expert at casting protective spells.
Always play the nice guy! You must always follow your moral convictions and resist the temptation to act improperly. You have to react quickly when danger arises. Be cautious and avoid being cursed. Never forget that this is a calling, not simply a job. It matters a lot that you are the protector of the wizarding world.

Department of International Magical Cooperation
You are ideal for the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Working together to maintain harmony in the wizarding community is the focus of this department. You resemble an enchanted travel expert. You are well-versed in wizard traditions, spells, and magical creatures from around the globe. Consider it as a kind of wizardly diplomacy. We can see that you’re amazing at bringing disparate magicians together to collaborate. Plus, you’re an expert at picking up new magical languages. This would be incredibly helpful for communicating with wizards who don’t know English.
What’s your Harry Potter wizard career? You don’t know! Hogwarts Job Portal Quiz is taking over Potterheads in 2023, then why are you left out?
Magical agreements don’t always happen right away. You don’t mind waiting or moving too quickly. Like Hermione, you resolve magical disputes by figuring out the best ways to satisfy all parties involved. Your ideal job would be in the Department of International Magical Cooperation!

Obliviator Headquarter
You resemble a magical Sherlock Holmes. You’re able to respond and think quickly, ensuring that Muggles don’t discover magical secrets. When it’s necessary, you can be as silent as a ghost. Your specialty is moving stealthily and wiping out Muggle memories. Your eye is like that of an eagle. Plus, you ensure that no magical remnants are left behind by paying close attention to everything. And, you know memory charms like the back of your hand.
We know that you can completely erase Muggles’ memory, erasing any hint of magic. It comes naturally to you to safeguard magical secrets. Whether it’s a crowded street or a peaceful park, you can blend in and not draw attention to yourself. There are situations when using memory charms requires waiting until the ideal opportunity. It’s acceptable for you to exercise patience.

Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
You would be an awesome fit for the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. It’s because you possess a miraculous ability to solve problems. You have the ability to quickly think through and solve problems when unanticipated magical mayhem occurs. When chaos surrounds you, you don’t panic. You have an excellent eye for identifying magical mishaps. You are aware of even the smallest indications and signs. And, you are well familiar with your spells. With a wave of your wand, you can solve magical puzzles.
It is clear that you have the ability to adjust to various circumstances and assist with a variety of magical mishaps, such as a misdirected spell or a broomstick that crashes. It can take some time to solve magical accidents. You have patience and don’t mind holding out for the ideal resolution. You all talk about magical security. To avoid mishaps and disasters altogether, you adopt preventative measures.

Department of Mysteries
You have a natural curiosity and excitement for learning the secrets of the enchanted world, making you an explorer by nature. You don’t brush off the strange or the unfamiliar easily. You approach the enigmas of magic with an open mind and heart. You are able to make connections that others would overlook because of your acute intuition, which aids you in navigating the mysterious and confusing parts of magic. You remain steadfast in your quest for knowledge and comprehension despite difficult and mysterious occurrences. As far as maintaining secrets go, you’re a vault.
Your discretion is unparalleled, and the Department of Mysteries handles classified material. Your magical abilities are exceptional since you can come into magical occurrences that call for special abilities and spells to handle.

Solve this mystery once and for all! Who wants to stay curious, do you? PotterFun is not asking you to solve any exam, give any interview, or show off your magic skills. All you need to do is take the “Which Department Of Ministry Of Magic Suits You Quiz” so we can analyze you. Ready for some Potterhead kind of fun???