The Quidditch Trivia is all set to see if you are a good player and how well you know Quidditch. Take the quiz if you have the guts. In 20 questions you will find out if you really know this game or not!
Is Body-Blowing allowed in Quidditch?
What to Beaters have in their hands?
What was Harry's father?
Can Seeker take both hands off the broom?
What is the condition of more than one Chaser entering the scoring area called?
Number of Players
There are seven players on each team, divided into the following positions: two Beaters, one Keeper, three Chasers, and one Seeker.

Quaffles are scored by chasers when they are thrown through one of the three goal hoops on the other team. A goal of Quaffle is worth ten points.
Beaters and Bludgers
During a match, two Beaters are in action. Beaters hit Bludgers in the direction of the other team to stop them from playing, and they use bats to protect their teammates.
The Keeper’s Job
In order to stop the other team from scoring with the Quaffle, the Keeper watches over the goal hoops.
Catch The Golden Snitch
The main goal of the Seeker is to capture the Golden Snitch, a tiny, inaccessible ball that moves quickly. The game is over when the Seeker’s team catches the Snitch, earning them 150 points.

To ensure fair play, players must abide by a set of rules. Penalties may follow from fouls, which include deliberate rule-breaking or excessive elbow use, pushing, jinx, etc.
Turnovers for Quaffle
When a player with a Quaffle is struck by a Bludger, they have to let go of the Quaffle and get off their broom in order to return to the game.
Remounting after a Bludger Hit
Before resuming play, a player must dismount and make contact with the goalpost of their team.
To play Quidditch, a house team needs players (obviously), broomsticks (the faster the better), and loads of courage and training. Now, let us explain the main things of Quidditch – the 3 balls!

Try to Spot: A red, round ball.
Job: The primary ball for scoring goals is the Quaffle. The chasers attempt to get 10 points by passing the ball around and attempting to toss it through the three goal hoops. Quaffle is difficult to pass through the hoops because of the opposing team’s Keeper.
Try to Spot: Bludgers appear as magical iron balls that are black in color.
Job: Two Bludgers fly around the field during a Quidditch match. They try to knock players off their brooms so the game ends or the players are unable to play. To get the Bludgers to play for the opposing team instead of their own, beaters use bats. After being struck by a Bludger, a player cannot return to the game until they have dropped any balls they are holding and got off their broom.
Embrace the player in you as you are about to know what Quidditch position would you play in. The updated “Quidditch Position Quiz” is set for you.
Try to Spot: Similar to a tiny walnut, the Golden Snitch is a small, golden ball with golden wings.
Job: In Quidditch, the Golden Snitch is the tiniest and fastest ball. As soon as the game launches, it takes off and moves by itself. Snitch is the Seeker’s responsibility to capture the Golden Snitch, which awards their team 150 points and puts an end to the match. The Snitch is a vital component of the game because of how fast and cunning it is and if not caught, the game continues.
Here are the positions on which the players are divided. The Seeker pursues the Golden Snitch in order to end the game and give the team 150 points. If they are unable to do it then the game continues even if takes days. The Keeper watches over the goal hoops, he/she tries not to let any goals of the opponent pass through any of the hoops. The Beaters defend and disrupt the other team. If any Bludger reaches their teammates then it’s their duty to defend them with their bats. Plus, the Beaters can also divert the Bludger to the opponent too. The Chasers concentrate on scoring goals solely. The more goals, the more chances to win.

Quidditch is not difficult – it’s just tricky and requires loads of training to learn. Don’t you remember how hard Harry Potter worked to be a good Seeker! A player of Quidditch cannot give up at any cost. They represent their house and try to win the cup for everyone.

Harry Potter
A remarkable Seeker, Harry was an important player in Gryffindor’s success during his time at Hogwarts.
Oliver Wood
When Harry Potter was a student at Hogwarts, Oliver Wood was the dedicated and talented Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch squad. Gryffindor was successful and made it to the Quidditch Cup final under his direction.
Viktor Krum
Prolific speed and skill were the distinguishing characteristics of Seeker Viktor Krum. Reaching the Quidditch World Cup final, he played for both the Bulgarian National Team and the Durmstrang Institute.
Cedric Diggory
On the Hufflepuff Quidditch team at Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory served as both captain and Seeker. When he represented Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament, he played fairly and with chivalry.
Yes, the Quidditch Trivia Quiz is calling you! Make sure you think and answer every question with accuracy. We don’t want to see you disappointed after the Quidditch Quiz just because you couldn’t perform well. Go and check how much you know about Quidditch.