Severus Snape is a complex person! Let’s see if he was the hero or a villain in the tale of Harry Potter series. Dive into Severus’ character like never before… There are countless topics to discuss about Snape; he is one of those characters about whom a literature student could write an entire thesis. Let’s investigate the professor at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, who never failed to amaze both his admirers, fans, and critics.
The Enigma Of Severus Snape
Professor Severus Snape came from a Muggle family and was considered a strange kid. But then he discovered Lily, a young child who wielded magic just like him. Lily was probably the only person, besides Harry, with whom Snape ever confided and revealed his feelings. Few knew Snape; neither his coworkers nor his fellow students were particularly fond of him. Do you wonder why? After experiencing bullying from other students while attending Hogwarts, Snape apparently never trusted anyone again. Since Snape never really connected with anyone, let’s face it.

From Childhood to Headmaster of Hogwarts
As already mentioned, Severus never had a happy childhood. He used to complain a lot about being bullied by James, Sirius, and other members of the Gryffindor house. Severus is therefore naturally repulsed by the house. As he grew, the sight of Lily in James’ arms deepened his inner darkness. Severus was a Death Eater before he was discovered to be a teacher at Hogwarts. Death Eaters, according to wizards and witches, are left feeling only melancholy even if they lead normal lives. Snape demonstrated this, though, even as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts and a Potion Master.
Snape’s Role In The War
During the war, the one we hated, detested and utterly wanted to kill (after Voldemort) was definitely Snape. Was he second on your list too, or was it someone else? It was so clear that he was the one who killed Dumbledore, sided with Lord Voldemort, and made a pact with Bella Lestrange. What else did we need to say that Snape was the main villain of the Harry Potter series and after the death of Dumbledore, there was no one to stop him. Even till the end, Harry saw Voldemort killing Snape because he wanted the whole power of the Elder Wand and supposed it was abiding Snape. Unfortunately, this is where the real twist came…
With a few drops of tears, Snape and the Pensieve shattered all the truths that were hidden in the heart of Snape. This scene has really made every Potterhead cry!

Love, Loss, and Redemption
Do you know who is the love of Severus Snape? Who he lost which altered his life? Is there a way of redemption for Snape? After losing Lily, Snape never rejoiced in life. We don’t remember seeing him smile with his heart (not talking about those sarcastic ones!). She was his one and only love and after Lily, Snape never even looked towards a woman. On the other hand, we can’t say that whatever it was between Harry and Snape was love but he sure was protective towards the boy. In several instances, like the Quidditch match when Harry was about to fall from the broomstick; it was Snape reciting the anti-charm against Professor Quirrell.
Are you ready for the potions class? Snape is eager to reveal the ingredients for “Which Magical Potion Are You Quiz” so be quick!
In addition to that, Snape aided Harry in blocking Voldemort from reading his mind. Other ignored situations include, him protecting Harry was Sirius when he was a wolf, from the Death Eaters, sending Patronus, etc. Not only Harry, are you unaware how Snape was brewing the hardest Wolfsbane Potion for Lupin, trying to save Dumbledore and after him Hogwarts? Whatever Snape did in his life was either for Dumbledore, Harry, or Hogwarts. These three were the only things that gave Severus Snape a reason to live after the death of Lily. If not for these, what would have encouraged Snape to live? There’s no question about his redemption because he has saved millions of lives; not only Wizards and Witches but Muggles too.
How Teacherhood Defines Snape’s Path?
As a teacher, Snape could be facilely declared partial and biased. He left no chance of deducting points from Hogwarts house. At first, we all believed that he did this to help Slytherin win the cup. But, it was particularly Harry and the ones close to him whom Snape targeted. Who deducts points just because someone knows an answer and you don’t let them yell it out (Snape did it with Hermione)? It was said that no one knew potions like Snape did and the potions no one could brew were nothing but a simple work of art. We have to say that Severus Snape was a strict teacher, but he was surely talented and skilled.

Instances Casting Snape as a Villain
Oh Lord, if we begin to count them then we’ll have to type half of the story’s events. The day on which Harry stepped into Hogwarts, Snape turned into his enemy (apparently). He never left out any chance of ogling Harry, screaming at him, being sarcastic, and making him feel inferior to everyone; especially Malfoy. In Snape’s very first class, he targets Harry for no reason at all. Oh, and those moments in which Snape deducted points from Gryffindor, particularly from Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Snape is someone in a dark robe and with a stern expression on his face 24/7. He is definitely the one carrying the burden of many mysteries and darker secrets. We have to say that Snape has proved that he is a better agent than even James Bond.
We have no doubt that Snape is a true hero in our hearts and eyes. Harry would have perished in secret if Voldemort, disguised as Quirrell, hadn’t been present to play his jinx. Moreover, Dumbledore had the utmost trust in him and he was aware of his enemies’ schemes. As a result, we may conclude that Snape is a hero who has always been the best and has never revealed his true nature. Because he’s our favorite and Harry’s, he named his son after him!